Will you be my Facebook Friend?
Do you remember the jerk who broke your heart in 8th grade?
Being boy crazy as I am, my first biggest crush was Greg in 1st grade. This beautiful boy with blue eyes and blond hair. I was a little girl with the biggest personality. I had no problem professing my adoration for him. Ultimately, I knew he would be my boyfriend someday. He pretty much ignored me everyday and broke my heart.
In 8th grade, this boy who sat behind me in class bullied me. He pulled my hair on Valentines Day. Little did I know he cried so hard when I broke his heart by moving to another school. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14. He came up to my mom in a restaurant and have asked her if he could see me. My mom had a set of rules for him. He came over every weekend and everyday during the summer to hang out with me and my family with full supervision. There was no kissing and we are not allowed to be alone together. In short, one day I broke his heart by making out with his best friend when I turned 16. Yes, I was the jerk too. The agony of childhood heartaches.
You find yourself passing time browsing through Facebook and there it is, a friend request from an odd but familiar face. All of a sudden you get poked and "how are you" messages repeatedly, not to mention he/she is married with kids. Thanks to social media where you can think of someone out of lingering curiosity and refine your search as if you are reporting a "Where are they now" episode on TMZ. In our adult life, preoccupied with going to work and paying the bills, we get little surprises such as this and pause for a minute to wonder how this person or memory impacted our life.
With this upcoming film, I am reliving my childhood life as SueWen. Portraying my own personal experience in heart breaks and pending FRIEND REQUESTS. The tales lives on.
Being boy crazy as I am, my first biggest crush was Greg in 1st grade. This beautiful boy with blue eyes and blond hair. I was a little girl with the biggest personality. I had no problem professing my adoration for him. Ultimately, I knew he would be my boyfriend someday. He pretty much ignored me everyday and broke my heart.
In 8th grade, this boy who sat behind me in class bullied me. He pulled my hair on Valentines Day. Little did I know he cried so hard when I broke his heart by moving to another school. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14. He came up to my mom in a restaurant and have asked her if he could see me. My mom had a set of rules for him. He came over every weekend and everyday during the summer to hang out with me and my family with full supervision. There was no kissing and we are not allowed to be alone together. In short, one day I broke his heart by making out with his best friend when I turned 16. Yes, I was the jerk too. The agony of childhood heartaches.
You find yourself passing time browsing through Facebook and there it is, a friend request from an odd but familiar face. All of a sudden you get poked and "how are you" messages repeatedly, not to mention he/she is married with kids. Thanks to social media where you can think of someone out of lingering curiosity and refine your search as if you are reporting a "Where are they now" episode on TMZ. In our adult life, preoccupied with going to work and paying the bills, we get little surprises such as this and pause for a minute to wonder how this person or memory impacted our life.
With this upcoming film, I am reliving my childhood life as SueWen. Portraying my own personal experience in heart breaks and pending FRIEND REQUESTS. The tales lives on.